Sechaba 1974 /75. Volume Eight, Nos. 1-12. Volume Nine, Nos. 1-12.

Identificativo: 8385

OUR PERSPECTIVES: Extracts from a speech by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC at an International Conference of NGOs, pag. 2; THE MASK IS OFF: Reports from inside South Africa, pag. 5; APARTHEID COLOURED COUNCIL FLOUNDERS: by Alex La Guma, pag. 10; MURDER IN PRISON: Exposure of appaling conditions existing in South African prison, pag. 13; ISU CHIBA: A poem by Zarina Chiba, pag. 15; INSIDE SOUTH AFRICA: On the Workers Front, pag. 16; DON’T DICTATE TO US: Mark Shope, General Secretary of SACTU said in reference to the British TUC visit to SA, pag. 20; SOUTH AFRICA’S ARMOURY, pag. 23.

Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: Sechaba, official organ of the african national congress south africa. Vol 9 No 1 JAN 1975. Tribute to Frelimo. 49 Rathbone Street. London W1A-4NL..
Paese di pubblicazione: GRAN BRETAGNA
Note: 24 p.

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