
Contents: Anc matters, pag. 1; Cosatu and Sacp delegations meet, pag. 3; Mandela/Buthelezi talks, pag. 3; Mass protest, pag. 4; Natal violence, pag. 5; Releases, pag. 7; Media, pag. 7; Pretoria’s hit squads, pag. 8; Military, pag. 9; White/racist attitudes, pag. 9; Political parties, pag. 10; Students and education, pag. 11; Group areas, pag. 12; Urban affairs, pag. 12; Bantustans, pag. 13; African affairs, pag. 14; Foreign relations, pag. 14.

Contents: Anc matters, pag. 1; Np team for april talks, pag. 4; Anc diplomacy, pag. 4; Mass protest, pag. 5; Apartheid barometer, pag. 5; Natal violence, pag. 6; Mandela concert, pag. 7; Pac, pag. 7; Political, prisoners, police, prison warders, pag. 7; Political parties/parliament, pag. 8; Pretoria’s hit squad, pag. 9; Health matters, pag. 9; Occupational health, pag. 9; Labour, pag. 10; Education, pag. 11; Group areas act, pag. 12; Inkatha declaration, pag. 12; Military, pag. 13; Bantustans, pag. 13; Namibia, pag. 14; Mozambique, pag. 14; Oau to talk to Sa, pag.

Contents: Anc matters, pag. 1; Sactu to be phased out, pag. 2; White party politics, pag. 2; Resistance, pag. 3; Political trials, pag. 4; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 5; Natal killings, pag. 7; Policeman killed after death of sap major, pag. 7; Prisons and police, pag. 8; Workers’ strikes, pag. 8; Labour, pag. 10; Economy, pag. 11; An open letter from the president of namibia, pag. 15.

Contents: Mandela in sweden, pag. 1; Pretoria/anc meeting, pag. 1; Anc inside the country, pag. 1; Sisulu’s call, pag. 1; Terror lekota interviewed, pag. 2; Mass protests continue, pag. 3; The natal situation, pag. 4; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 4; Students and education, pag. 5; Political trials & detention, pag. 6; Prison warders’s strike, pag. 6; Police matters, pag. 7; Military matters, pag. 7; De klerk’s trust fund, pag. 7; Women celebrate march 8th, pag. 8; Sport: gatting “not sorry”, pag. 8; Health crisis, pag. 8; Pan-africanist congress, pag. 8; Reiger park mc resigns, pag.

Contents: Mandela abroad, pag. 1; Sisulu talks on tasks ahead, pag. 2; The question of return of exiles, pag. 2; Chris hani interviewed, pag. 2; Sacp strives for constituent assembly, pag. 3; Anc & the sa law commission, pag. 3; Udf eastern cape agm, pag. 3; Nationwide turmoil, pag. 4; Sekhukhune youth organization, pag. 6; The natal situation, pag. 6; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 7; Ktc: court case ends, pag. 8; Political trials, pag. 9; Prisoners’ hunger strike, pag. 9; Ex-prisoners unite, pag. 9; Military matters, pag. 9; Azapo annual conference, pag. 10; Pac and pam, pag.

Contents: Mandela centre stage, pag. 1; Sacp: build the party, pag. 4; Jack and ray simons return, pag. 5; Anc/sadf meeting, pag. 5; Anc meet sa businessmen, pag. 5; Nationalisation issue, pag. 6; Free all political prisoners, pag. 6; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 7; Upheaval in bantustans, pag. 9; Pretoria’s diplomats to “sell reform”, pag. 13; Labour, pag. 13; Sanctions and disinvestment, pag. 14; Youth unite for a democratic south Africa!, pag. 15.

Contents: People celebrate Mandela’s release, pag. 1; Mandela on sanctions, pag. 1; Mandela’s domestic peace initiative, pag. 3; Mandela meetings, pag. 3; Nec meeting, pag. 3; Thabo Mbeki on south african tv, pag. 4; De Klerk/Anc negotions, pag. 5; Right wing reactions, pag. 7; Mandela meets the tembu, pag. 8; Mandela – Azapo meeting, pag. 8; Messages of support to Mandela, pag. 8; Workers invite Mandela, pag. 9; Sacp will work above ground in sa, pag. 9; 400000 in exile, pag. 9; Hit squads, pag. 9; Natal killings, pag. 10; Bantustans, pag.

Contents: Nelson Mandela released, pag. 1; Anc initiatives, pag. 3; Anc in Natal, pag. 4; Sacp – unbanned but gagged, pag. 4; Some prisoners released: others wait, pag. 5; Funeral of Sizwe Twala, pag. 6; Craig Williamson’s “Open letter”, pag. 6; Responses to the unbannings, pag. 6; Defiance continues, pag. 7; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 7; The Natal killings, pag. 9; Pretoria’s security forces, pag. 11; Pac “Demo of four”, pag. 12; Prisoner’s jail death plea, pag. 12; Mercenary sports tour, pag. 12; Right-wing reaction, pag. 12; Labour, pag. 13; Who owns whom, pag.

Contents: Mandela released unconditionally! Police shooting mars Cape Town rally, pag. 1; mandela’s first press conference, pag. 1; Return to Soweto, pag. 2; Extracts from Mandela’s soccer city address, pag. 2; The nation celebrates, pag. 3; People of the world celegrate, pag. 3; World leaders respond, pag. 4; Thatcher and sanctions issue, pag. 4; Us responses, pag. 5; Right-wing reaction, pag. 6; Business fears and reactions, pag. 6; Comments on Mandela’s release, pag. 7; Anc call: step up the fight, pag. 8; The unbanning and nat strategies, pag. 9; Do you know that, pag.

Contents: De Klerk’s announcements, pag. 1; Free Mandela unconditionally, pag. 5; Mandela on climate of understanding, pag. 6; Viljoen sets out Pretoria’s thinking, pag. 7; Forthcoming anc national conference, pag. 7; Anc/Nafcoc meeting, pag. 7; Jeugkrag meets Anc, pag. 7; Raymond Suttner returns home, pag. 7; Pretoria’s death squads, pag. 8; Protests mount, pag. 9; Gatting’s mercenary tour, pag. 9; Students and education, pag. 11; Wilgespruit: funding act victim, pag. 12; The Natal killings, pag. 12; Executions, trials, detentions, pag. 13; Pan-Africanist Congress, pag.


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